Your gift helps sustain Sojourns, from sunrise to sunset.

As a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, Sojourns depends on the loving support of our community to help fill fulfill our desire to provide cost-effective services to anyone desiring integrative healthcare. Below are some ways by which we invite your support.

  1. Give online.

  2. Give in person or mail a check.
    Sojourns Community Clinic
    4923 US Route 5
    Westminster, VT 05158
    Payable to: Sojourns Community Clinic
    Memo: donation

  3. Donate your professional knowledge and time to our board, fundraising, marketing or administrative efforts. (Email our executive director to learn more.

  4. Follow us and share our posts on social media (

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Food & Nutrition &

What people are saying

“Sojourns has an ‘aura’ - the air, touch, healing experience…every time I came out of an appointment, I felt pampered emotionally. They listened to me.”

— Sojourns Patient, Westminster, VT