Beth Kamhi


Dr. Beth L. Kamhi is a Chiropractic Physician with 44 years of chiropractic practice, 26 of those years in active family practice in North Reading, MA. During 8 years of travel, she has served as temporary coverage doctor for practices in Vermont and Florida. Her professional focus is on the dynamic and intricate balance of overall body mechanics with a whole body approach to chiropractic adjusting. Her goal is to achieve a gentle, effective, efficient correction of spinal function, relieving pain and returning the patient to body balance.

Beth's years of experience and sincere concern for patient welfare supports a rapport that encourages communication and cooperation between practitioner and patient. She appreciates creating a partnership with each of her patients; this, she believes is essential for successful outcomes and makes her practice exceptionally rewarding.

Beth graduated Magna Cum Laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA, with her Doctor of Chiropractic degree, in 1978. Extensive post-graduate training through the years includes a focus in Pierce Technique, Radiology, and Graston Soft Tissue techniques.

Beth, her husband, and pets traveled extensively in the United States by RV for several years before settling in Vermont. Her personal interests include horseback riding, hiking, exercise, nutrition, domestic and wildlife animal husbandry, animal behavior, animal chiropractic and ecology.

Our Team


Jessica Pirkey


Chris Hastings